Eating disorders & Disordered Eating
Getting help for eating disorders or disordered eating patterns can feel very intimidating, and we get that. Whether you are officially diagnosed with an eating disorder, or you are just want to improve your poor relationship with food and body, you are doing the right thing by looking into specialist care! All of our team members are eating disorder specialists, and are dedicated to compassionate, individualized care.
Not all eating disorders look alike.
We specialize in helping those with Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia, Binge Eating Disorder, ARFID OSFED and generalized disordered eating.
That being said, everyone is different, and your body image and relationship with food can change drastically in a season. Wherever you are, we can help you on your journey, one step at a time.
Food used to be my least favorite topic on the planet. When my therapist suggested seeing a dietitian, I was really dreading the thought of having to sit for an hour and talk about it. I can say with full confidence that seeing Sam has drastically changed my outlook. He provides such a positive perspective and consistently celebrates my "small" wins, even after my worst weeks I no longer feel shame, but instead feel motivated to continue trying. He has been a catalyst in breaking my bad habits because he never lets me just try and fail, try and fail, like I would on my own. He continuously comes up with a creative solution or goal for me to implement that prevents me from feeling stagnant in the same cycle.
Melanie has been so supportive of my journey with food, specifically with my binge eating disorder. Melanie has been helping me for 2 years now by providing guidance with eating healthy portions, meal plan ideas, and overall support with my struggles with food. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without Melanie and she has helped me get in a way better relationship with food compared to beforehand where my eating disorder controlled every part of my life. Thanks Melanie!