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6 Types of Self Care for Eating Disorder Recovery

You have likely heard the term “self-care” more than once in your lifetime. 

But, what exactly is self-care and why is it important for eating disorder recovery? In this blog, we are addressing these common questions, talking about the different types of self care and sharing tangible ways to start a self-care routine. 

Before we get started, a quick reminder that self care will look different for everyone. There is not a one size fits all approach. Engaging in all types of self care will help you discover when and how it fits into your routine. We want to encourage you to let the examples below be a guide to find what best serves you. 

What is self-care? 

Self-care is the concept of taking action or engaging in activities to improve your overall well-being. People practice self-care for a variety of reasons such as to promote health, recover from an illness or cope after a stressful event.

Importance of self care in eating disorder recovery 

Eating disorders have an impact on both physical and mental health that make it difficult for individuals with eating disorders to find the capacity to prioritize themselves. 

For our clients, we know how challenging it can be for them to engage in self-care practices. For many, self-care can feel selfish, strange and complex that it is often neglected. 

However, there are a multitude of benefits for developing a self-care routine. To highlight a few, practicing self care allows you to find fulfillment in daily activities, understand self-compassion, and create resiliency to combat future stressors. 

If you are someone struggling with an eating disorder, we encourage you to look at self-care as a tool as you move through recovery. It is completely normal for the routine you first create to change as you learn more about yourself. Refer back to this list of examples as you progress and continue to integrate self-care into your daily routine. 

Physical self-care

Physical self-care is taking care of the body by prioritizing things like nutrition, sleep, hydration and movement. It can include taking medications as prescribed, practicing good hygiene and spending time doing the things you love to reduce stress. 


  • Establish a solid sleep routine and aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night. 
  • Try a new color of produce each week for nourishment.
  • Engage in exercise such as yoga, walking, swimming or pilates. 
  • Add a lemon slice to your water to encourage hydration. 
  • Spend time hiking with family. 
  • Wear your favorite t-shirt when hanging out with friends.

Emotional self-care

Emotional self-care is recognizing and addressing your emotions. From practicing meditation to engaging in hobbies that bring you joy, there are many ways to nurture your emotional well-being. 


  • Write in a journal to express your thoughts, feelings and emotions.
  • Play piano or listen to calming music. 
  • Attend a dance or painting class. 
  • Practice deep breathing exercises before going to bed. 
  • Write a positive message on a sticky note to hang on a mirror at home.
  • Attend a therapy session to reflect on your thoughts and recent experiences.

Mental Self-Care

Mental self-care is all about participating in activities you enjoy, setting boundaries to manage stress and learning new skills to nurture your mind. 


  • Take a course at a local community college.
  • Complete a crossword puzzle. 
  • Attend a lecture or discuss group on a topic that interests you.
  • Prioritize breaks during the school or work day. 
  • Practice mindfulness when feeling stressed.

Social Self-Care

Social self-care is cultivating healthy relationships and connections with current and future friends and family. Practicing this type will help you build a supportive network to lean on during both good and hard times.


  • Schedule a day to go to lunch with your best friend. 
  • Join a local club or community group. 
  • Host a brunch with coworkers or classmates. 
  • Ask a friend to sit with you during a challenging day. 
  • Request for support as you start seeing a new therapist. 

Spiritual Self-Care

Spiritual self-care focuses on nurturing your inner self and connecting with your beliefs and values. It goes far beyond reading spiritual or inspirational writings and allows you to connect with activities that are fulfilling. Spiritual self-care allows you to engage in self-reflection to discover what is meaningful to you.


  • Perform acts of kindness by volunteering your time at a local shelter. 
  • Spend time in nature by walking along a beach or hiking a mountain.
  • Connect with others at a spiritual group to share your beliefs. 
  • Disconnect from technology and enjoy a peaceful walk in a local park. 

Professional Self-Care

Professional self-care is taking care of yourself within a workplace or in an academic setting. Whether you are working or attending classes, you can engage in this type of self-care.


  • Define specific hours you plan to study then disengage from school related activities outside of that time frame. 
  • Advocate for yourself by clearly communicating your needs to your teachers.
  • Take a break after class to take a walk. 
  • Reach out to teachers, peers or mentors to request support on a project. 

Why self care matters 

Having a heightened awareness of what brings you joy and fulfillment can be achieved by incorporating all types of self-care. You will quickly learn that prioritizing self-care is important for overall well-being. 

All eating disorders require a personalized approach 

Overall, the information shared in this blog is meant for educational purposes and to help you gain a better understanding on the complexity of eating disorders. It is critical to remember that every eating disorder is different and requires an individualized approach.

Anyone’s Journey specializes in eating disorders and disordered eating with the approach that short strides result in long term possibilities. Our clinicians are also experienced in helping individuals that desire weight loss or are navigating chronic diseases.

It is also never too early, nor too late, to seek guidance on how to help someone with an eating disorder. Contact us by calling 612-638-2778, emailing or completing our Referral Form

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